Friday, 15 February 2008

Walking through late night London

I'm having a week of culture this week - I went to see Tango por Dos on Wednesday night at Sadlers Wells which was truly brilliant. I have to say I know nothing about tango (apart from the image of two people marching across the dancefloor with red roses gripped between their teeth, which needless to say, did NOT happen on Weds!) but it was full of evocative music and sex appeal. I have to say though, there's only so much accordian one person can take, and after two hours of it, I'm more than happy to not listen to any for a good while. The women were incredible - doing the splits and then pulling themselves back to standing with legs still straight - they must have nutcracker inner thigh muscles!

One of the things I most enjoyed about the night though was walking home through the centre of London. As I've got older (for that read: go out less, drink less and don't stay out as late) and have had less and less time for myself with no pressure on me from someone else, I have started to love wandering through London, watching the buildings and the rest of the world go about their nocturnal living. It has a strangely introverted appeal; it makes me feel like an outsider, viewing from within my own private space, untouched by what's going on around me. The end result is simultaneously calming and poignant, there's something quite touching that I can't capture in words about people totally absorbed in their moment, while the architecture around them holds steady as it has for the past hundreds of years.

Enough of that though, because tonight, high culture (of sorts) beckons in the form of the ENO production of The Mikado - my christmas present from the boyfriend, finally come around. I'm extremely excited about this, not least because we've just spent the past month in some sort of hideous DIY hell doing our bathroom and various other jobs around the flat (which now I may say does look quite splendid). As a former "little girl from school" in my own school production of the Mikado, I hope it lives up to the exacting standards we set back in St Aidans High School back in the late eighties!

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