All domestic smugness was replaced last night when I discovered a swarm of maggots in my sesame seeds! Urgh! It was so disgusting I nearly puked. Am going to have to have a full de-maggotting of all dry goods tonight too, as I'm sure there must be more lurking in the cupboard. Where do they come from? It was truly horrendous.
And on top of that Princess O is waking up every night because she's scared of the dark, despite the fact that she has a night light and now a Fifi and the Flowertots doll which lights up and sings a lullaby when you press its tummy. I'm at the end of my endurance with it, and I really don't know what to do next.
Even more depressing, I'm starting to feel a bit sick about all this website/Facebook malarkey with my book, being consumed by fear and self-loathing, that it's a stupid idea, will never work, that the book is crap anyway, etc, etc. Argh!
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