Thursday, 28 June 2007

The Writing Set

Eek, I really have to leave work, but feel that I ought to keep up with the blogging now that I've started. It seems that blogging is more than just writing and that I need to link to other blogs and websites, and write comments on them too, so I will try and come up with some things as soon as I get half a second to do a bit of browsing online.

Had lunch today (five pound noodles rather than white tablecloths at the Ivy), with my dear friend and co-conspirator in the whole writing/publishing circus. He is like me, a member of the writing damned: the proud possessor of an agent who never calls and an unknown list of rejections from publishers. Anyway, he made me laugh when he told me about going into the loo of a pub with his boyfriend for some hanky panky, and then emerging "discretely" to a round of applause from the whole pub, who had been running a sweepstake on how long it would take!

Still, it was nice to spend an hour agonising with him, knowing we're going through the same thing, and discussing all the tricks that we have both been up to in our quest to get published.

Feel I should make some comment too on the "historic events" taking place in the political world, as I believe blogs should also be topical and relevant. So... I have always thought, and this may very well be a clever trick of the light, that Gordon Brown had all the substance, while Tony Blair had all the style. I'm sure this isn't the case, but I am having a mini hopeful moment that great change for the betterment of the populace will sweep the country now as it was meant to back in 1997. I'll check in on these comments in a year's time to see how wrong I am!

I must say though that I actually feel utterly divorced from the whole process and that they (Gord and Ton) don't really care what we (the people) feel as long as they achieve their own aims of political power.

I've just finished reading "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf (more on that another time as I really must go now) but it's simultaneously made me feel very empowered and utterly insignificant, particularly as far as the world of men and politics goes.

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